Knowledge Base

Recreation & Parks Dept.

Telephone Number:    229-430-5222

Carver Sports Complex:    229-430-5243

Carver Gym:                    229-430-5238

Eames Sports Complex:    229-430-5220

Golf Course                     229-430-5267

Gordon Sport Complex:    229-430-5254

Henderson Comm. Center:    229-430-5241

Highland Sports Complex:    229-430-5243

Ken Gardens Sports Complex:    229-430-5252

Lockett Station Comm. Center:    229-430-5219

Therapeutic Program:            229-430-2963

Thornton Comm. Center:       229-430-5242

Turner Gym                          229-430-5240

Bill Miller Comm. Center        229-430-5240

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

The Department is to provide recreation with excellent, diverse, and comprehensive parks, facilities and programs in a well-maintained and safe environment, easily accessible to all citizens through a system of neighborhood and community parks, with well-trained and qualified staff.


Updated 8/28/2009 1:47 PM
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