State House Representatives
State House Representatives- 404-463-2247
Representative Ed Rynders is presently serving as the Vice Chairman for the Health and Human Services Committee. Vice Chairman Rynders is responsible for serving as the voice of the people in House District 152, which covers parts of Colquitt, Dougherty, Lee and Worth Counties
Contact Information:
Capitol Office
401 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office
423 Martindale Drive
Albany, GA 31721
Representative Winfred Dukes is presently a State Representative of House District 150, which includes Baker and Dougherty Counties, his committee assignments are Economic Development and Tourism, Industrial Relations, and State Planning and Community Affairs.
Contact Information:
Capitol Office
411 Coverdell Legislative Office Bldg.
Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office
920 Highland Avenue
Albany, GA 31701
Representative Carol Fullerton presently represents part of Dougherty County.
Contact Information:
Capitol Office
411 Coverdell Legislative Office Bldg.
Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office
639 Fifth Avenue
Albany, GA 31701