Gun Permit
Weapons Carry Licenses: Complete the application online, and you will be contacted to schedule an appointment, or walk in Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday 9:00AM to 12:00PM. You must be at least 21 years old unless you are active military. When applying, select New License whether the license is new or a renewal. If it is a renewal, bring your current license to the appointment, and the application will be changed to renewal. Once the application is submitted, you will be given a confirmation number. The charge payable to the Probate Court is $73.25 for a new application and $30 for a renewal. A separate money order in the amount of $20 payable to the Dougherty County Sheriff’s Office is required for a state-mandated NICS background check for all applicants, and an additional $5 cash payment is required for fingerprinting of new applicants.