Dougherty County Human Resources
Main Number - 229-431-2122
Director - 229-434-2663
Insurance - 229-431-2985
Project Manager - 229-431-2919
Risk Management - 229-431-2122 Ext. 3195
222 Pine Avenue
Albany, Georgia 31701
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m- 5:00 p.m
Human Resource Specialist - 229-431-3195The Dougherty County Human Resources Department handles all of the applicant services for individuals seeking employment opportunities with the County. In addition, the department is responsible for the delivery of a full range of personnel services for approximately 650 employees.
The Job Information/Recruitment function provides for internal as well as external access to job vacancy information. In instances of hard-to-fill categories, there are specialized recruitment activities designed specifically for the needs of the department with the vacancy. Included in the job information/recruitment function are the equal employment opportunity provisions and the affirmative action efforts.